Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Personal Testimonials...

Throughout the years, I have come to meet many people who have been clients of mine. Meeting under stressful conditions, I have always maintained a level of respect for clients, and withheld judgement of their lives.
Their journey is their own, therefore I have no place to offer opinions. I have however, in each and every individual seen the potential of a happy life. In meeting every client, I hold a sincere wish that they come to find peace and happiness in their lives.
There ARE successful outcomes when it comes to drugs and addiction. Time and patience are always a factor, but success and recovery ARE POSSIBLE! I have seen it happen. I have felt overwhelming joy for those who work toward it and achieve it! It is the hardest struggle, yet it is also the most gratifying and glorious outcome!
I encourage you, or anyone you know, that has had their lives touched by drug use and/or addictions to please post their personal testimony or story on this site. Your words, your history, your experience can encourage others, and YOU may be the key that starts a good outcome!
Thank you, and God bless to all!!!

1 comment:

  1. you may leave your comments and testimonial on a completely anonymous basis! But all feedback is welcome here!
